Meetings are normally held on the first Monday of each month, except August unless needed, at 7.30 and normally in the Jeff Sluggett room, Conygre Hall, North Road. Extraordinary meetings are also held when needed.
Members of the public may attend the meeting but if they want to address the Council they must have prior permission from the Clerk (see below). Please see the Dates, Agendas and Minutes below in advance.
Agendas of Parish Council Meetings
The Agenda for the next meeting is published 5 calendar days in advance – see link below, and also on the Parish Council noticeboards in Newmans Lane outside of the fish & chip shop and in the foyer of the Conygre Hall. The closing date for items for the Agenda is about 2 weeks before the meeting.
View Dates & Agendas of next Parish Council meetings
Minutes of Meetings
The minutes are published within 28 days of a full council meeting and are placed on the website and are accessed by the links below. They are also placed on the Parish Council noticeboards positioned in Newmans Lane outside of the fish & chip shop and in the foyer of the Conygre Hall.
Minutes – 2024
Minutes – Previous Years
Annual Parish Meeting
This is an open public meeting to discuss what the village wants. Also, the Parish Council reports on its activities for the previous year to the end of March. Any villager can attend and ask questions or raise any topic about the village. All parishoners are invited and the meeting may by law discuss all Parish affairs and pass resolutions on them.
Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 24th April 2023
Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 25th April 2022
Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 21st April 2021
The meeting in 2020 was cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions by the Government.
Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 25th April 2019
Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 30th April 2018
Minutes Annual Parish Meeting 11th May 2017
Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 2016
Contact Parish Council at or telephone 07594 651366