The ROYAL BRITISH LEGION will commemorating its 100th Anniversary all over the Country this Saturday the 15th May. Timsbury Branch will be holding a small service at the Village War Memorial at 0900hrs were we will be laying a 100th anniversary wreath and parading the Standard. The service will be conducted by the Reverend Martin Blewitt and Barry Sewell Chairman of Timsbury Branch, everyone is welcome, observing the social distancing rule. … [Read more...]
Christmas Tree with Angel
The great Christmas Tree is in the Miners Garden in Rectory Lane, with a wonderful angel on top, for all to enjoy. … [Read more...]
Hot Air Balloons launch from the Rec
Hot air balloons launched from the Recreation field on 30th August and filled the sky with any exciting view. … [Read more...]
New Pet Shop Opens – Canine Craze
A new pet shop called Canine Craze has opened in South Road in what was the hairdressers. This is a welcomed new service that pet owners can enjoy. It is run by locals Emma and Liam who also provide dog walking and pet sitting services. "Canine Craze was formed in 2019 and is a family run business owned by Liam and Emma Craze. Emma started running the dog walking and pet sitting in 2016 when she was looking for a new career after many years in the Horse Racing industry. What started as a … [Read more...]
Scarecrow Trail
The 2020 Timsbury Scarecrow Trail, organised by St Mary's Church, took place on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th July. A gallery of scarecrows is here. … [Read more...]
VE Day Celebrations Statement by Royal British Legion
"On behalf of Timsbury Royal British Legion I would like to thank all those in Timsbury who attended the 2mins Silence in the morning at the Memorial. Also it was great to see so many of you out having tea parties, clapping and cheering as we paraded around the village in the afternoon, in particular The Cheshire Home well done to the staff for getting everyone outside in their wheelchairs, fantastic! Thankyou to those who supplied us with food and drink on route aswell, we needed it. I … [Read more...]
Timsbury Royal British Legion VE Day Celebrations Friday 8th May
All celebrations that were planned throughout the country for this day sadly had to be cancelled due to the Coronavirus. However, the Royal British Legion Somerset have asked all Branches to parade their Standard in their communities on the 8th May at 1100hrs to observe the two minutes silence. To join in with this Chris Fiddes the Standard Bearer along with Barry Sewell the Timsbury RBL Branch Chairman will be on parade at the Memorial at 1100hrs in Newmans Lane. Anyone who wishes to come … [Read more...]
768 Bus Changes from 3rdMay
Starting 3 May 2020, some journeys on bus service 768 will run via Writhlington to restore a limited daytime service to the Manor Park and Frome Road areas on Mondays to Fridays (not Public Holidays). There will be other minor changes to the timetable. The full timetable can be downloaded here. … [Read more...]
Sign Up to new Timsbury eNewsletter
There will be no printed Timsbury Letters until further notice as a result of the Coronavirus lockdown. Instead you can be emailed a shorter eNewsletter with the most important news if you register for it on the right of the page. You can see previous Timsbury Letters here. … [Read more...]
Comments on Coronavirus by Timsbury Parish Council
9th April 2020 The Parish Council realise it is so hard for many residents but so pleased and thankful to everyone in Timsbury for showing the determination, compassion and organising skills to support each other in these challenging, unique, and for many frightening, times. It is great to hear the ‘clapping’ for key workers across the Parish on Thursdays at 8pm. That includes our thanks to the teaching and other staff at St Mary's School, looking after our key workers children, and the … [Read more...]